Children needs Parental love

    Usually, children would always find their parents too busy for them and just not around at times when they need them.
    In some cases, this may be awful... but when a parent abuses their child. Well, let's say you'd prefer them to be too busy for you or for them to abuse to you.

As a young child, he/she always seek attention or love from parents. Abusing them won't help for it will only traumatize them. Not to mention that they won't be able to trust anyone or specifically, adults ever again! A child deserves to be loved, not punched or tortured 'til they can't take it anymore.
    I know that despite the fact they get abused, they hope, deep inside them, that someday, you'd embrace them in your arms and apologize sincerely before proposing to start all over again and build a better relationship to each other.

How children feels when they get abused

The children, would always wonder what they did wrong. They would always feel cautious around people around them and they would feel disgusted, and someday it might even make them lose their sanity. They'll never know how it feels to be loved and every single day they would feel fear. Some would even attempt suicide to put an end to their torture. And some would just let the abuser do what they want, while thinking they deserve it.
A child can be very fragile. So it's best to let them grow up with love and care, so that someday, they'll be able to stand up for their own and become strong.

A shattered life

    Every child deserves a normal and happy life, guided by their parents.
    They deserve to be treated right and be loved. They need help to grow up proper and happy. They need someone to listen to their problems and talk about how their day was.

    Meanwhile, a child being abused can shatter an already shattered life. Everyday, they would feel cautios and would always get jumpy in things happening around them. They would always try to hide their injuries in long sleeves and pants, they need to suffer alone and they have no one to lean on to or to cry on. They just have to depend on themselves with no idea on how to. At this rate, they won't be able to focus on their careers or future, if they have any, considered that they were already shattered, shattering more pieces of their lives.