Adults need understanding...

According to research, reasons on why adults usually abuse children, is either because of stress problems. And there are also other reasons like disciplining a child.

Of course, every adults have their own reasons of their own actions...

Compared with people without a history of childhood abuse, adults with a history of childhood abuse are more likely to have: A partner with a substance abuse problem; Anxiety disorders; Chronic head, face or pelvic pain; Eating disorders; Musculoskeletal complaints; Depression; Gastrointestinal distress or symptoms; Asthma or other respiratory ailments; Obesity, Eating disorders; Insomnia; Panic; Sexual dysfunction; Substance abuse; Suicidal ideation or behavior; Pseudo-neurologic symptoms (dizziness, etc.); Unintended pregnancy; Self-injury; Abuse their own children.   (Source:

An Adult's perspective when he/she abuses

As what I have read/found, adults who abuse children are just confused or mislead.

Most adults don't realize that what they’re doing can actually be harmful, for they may either have a sickness (a mental disorder), or probably had experienced the same abusive childhood and just don’t realize how to actually care for a child. And another option would be that, the adult may just be plain sadistic.


It’s probably best to help them guide their lives to something better when they would learn how to love and appreciate their children and care for them more.


It’s not too late to restart and rebuild…

Broken in the inside...

To feel exhausted, lost, confused and stressed... these are the things we humans usually feel when we're broken. At times like that all we want to do is cry and probably die for we can't help but wonder what's the significance of life?

But most of all, we usually want to take it out, and we mostly do this in a violent way.

To us, violence are usually our stress-reliever. When we feel frustrated, we can't help but punch a wall or probably beat up our own pillows when we do a stupid mistake.

And for broken people, which totally fits the role of stressed adults always need this stress-reliever. And of course, who else must they take it out to but to their children?

There are also those mentally disordered people who just reacts violently in reasons we usually find confusing.

And also, there are adults who are just sadistic and likes seeing people suffer for their own entertainment.

Best way to prevent this violence is to consult a psychiatrist and try to avoid and learn self-control to oneself. And if possible, find a way to relieve stress in a less violent way, try to go to therapy for those with mental disorder, and try to understand that a person's suffering can't be that amusing and for once, try to picture yourself in the said person's situation, you won't find it amusing, won't you?