Our Children... Our future...

A child is very important to us for they are our future and life.They are the ones who are gonna build the next generation for the world. So it is important to care and love them, for not only are they significant for the future, but also, they are significant to us.

Sometimes I try to wonder, why do others abuse their children? They say it is because of frustration or stress that they have to take it out on them; or because they're just bored; or rather because they had drugs; or because they are ill-tempered and would just beat up their child when he/she makes a
slightest mistake. Well, to me, no matter what the reason is, they still have no right to do such traumatizing activities on them.

Children are meant to be loved and cared, not be beaten up or tortured. If they make mistakes, you should just correct them and not hit or slap them. Trying to be gentle and warm to your off-spring is a big step towards a happy and peaceful life for you and your child, instead of being stuck behind bars.

So let us all try and stop this awful crime. Let us all protect and love our children and try understanding them, for they have no one to lean on but you. So if you're abusing your child, stop while you still can and start over. Apologize to your child and try gaining back his/her trust, then you'll be able to gain true happiness.

    --->How children feels when they get abused
    ---> How to Impede Child abuse

Check out:
    --->Photos of Child Abuse
    --->Tragic stories of Child Abuse (Now you can create your own!! And post one!)
    --->Articles about Child Abuse
    ---> My Blog!! ;)


A little note for my viewers...

    I would really appreciate your visits and comments. Please feel free to make a comment but please... no insults, it might hurt my pride (XD). Just display the mistakes and tell me what you think about it. And it would also be a great help if you would give me some advice about upgrading this newbie-looking website.
    Thanks for the precious time of visiting my web. ^^-


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