What are the Signs of Child Abuse
By Batul Nafisa Baxamusa

Each types of child abuse will show some signs in children indicating the suffering. It is very important that as an responsible member of the society, one keeps an eye and understands the various warning signs of child abuse and neglect. The following list will cover the warning signs of child abuse and neglect according to the type of abuse.

Physical Signs of Child Abuse and Neglect
  • The child suffers from unexplained bruises, burns or black eyes
  • Frequently suffers from bone fractures
  • The child remains absent from school for long periods
  • Fading bruises or marks of trauma on the child's body
  • The child avoids the parents or caregivers
  • Does not like going home after school
  • Is frightened when approached by adults
  • Parents give conflicting explanations for the injuries
  • Parents or caregivers have a history of child abuse themselves
  • Begins to have problems in school with grades and other children
  • Anti-social behavior
Emotional Signs of Child Abuse
  • The child begins to develop an extremely complaining or demanding behavior
  • The child becomes suddenly passive or aggressive in behavior
  • The child shows infantile behavior like head banging, sucking thumb, eating hair, rocking, etc.
  • Attempts suicide
  • Begins to self depreciate like use words as 'I'm worthless, stupid', etc.
  • Begins to say 'I deserve this' when hurt
  • Suddenly starts stammering or shuttering
  • Shows physical, mental and emotional downfall

Source: www.buzzle.com

Abusive Parents: Effect on Children
By Deepa Kartha

Growing up in an environment where their physical, emotional and mental needs are not fulfilled does have a strong negative impact on the minds of children. Though the scars left by physical violence will not last for a long time, the emotional scars etched on their minds are permanent and can damage their life as adults.
  • Children who have suffered abuse from their parents usually find it difficult to form and maintain long lasting relationships as adults. As the emotional needs like trust, security, reliability, etc. are not fulfilled in the relationship with the parents, the children are not able to form good and healthy relationships because they do not understand that these are the basic things that are required to maintain a loving relationship.
  • Living with abusive parents can hamper the self esteem of children as parents constantly telling them that they are stupid and worthless for a long time, may make them that it is actually true. As adults, they may not be ready to take up challenges like higher studies, better job, etc. because they may consider themselves as incapable of such achievements.
  • The emotional damage caused by sexual abuse, especially by their parents will be most severe. They may live with the feeling of shame and stigma throughout their adult life. Sometimes, this may lead to the occurrence of severe mental as well as psychological problems in the person.
  • Children of abusive parents may have difficulty in expressing as well as for controlling their emotions. They are also likely to get addicted to alcohol or drugs, just to relieve the painful thoughts caused by parental abuse.
Source: www.buzzle.com